Key Stages
The Children’s Academy Literacy & Numeracy Curriculum is based on that of the British National Curriculum National Literacy & Numeracy Strategies at Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 – 4.
We focus on developing children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the framework of the National Literacy Strategy. This provides a clear and progressive structure through which children develop language and literacy skills. Teaching is structured in three closely interrelated strands of work: word level, sentence level and text level. Word level work concentrates on phonics, word recognition, vocabulary extension and handwriting. Sentence level work focuses on grammatical awareness and sentence construction. Text level work develops reading, comprehension and writing skills. Each child is taught at his or her own individual level, using methods suited to his or her ability. Our aim is to teach children to communicate effectively through the use of speech and written text, in ways appropriate for different occasions and purposes; to listen attentively and with understanding; to acquire information from various sources and to record information and findings in various ways, and to read fluently and accurately, with understanding and enjoyment.
In Mathematics, a balance is created between activities that develop knowledge, skills and understanding and those that develop the ability to tackle practical problems. Children are taught to write, read and order numbers up to 100, to develop a range of strategies for solving mental and written calculations and word problems, and to become confident in using and applying mathematics to everyday situations. In accordance with the National Numeracy Strategy, each lesson comprises a mental arithmetic activity, a main activity differentiated to each child’s ability and an evaluation of the learning that has taken place.
The key resource used for the teaching of numeracy is Numicon, a multi-sensory method. For further information click here.
International Primary Curriculum (I.P.C.)
Science, Geography, History, Art and History are all covered within I.P.C. time. The I.P.C. is an internationally minded, thematic, cross curricular teaching structure used in international schools in over 50 countries. It is a 21st century curriculum which extends knowledge, skills and understanding, develops personal attributes and supports an international prespective in a way that responds to revised ideas about learning. Download the flyer entitled “10 things parents should know about the IPC” or visit the I.P.C. website.
Information and Communication Technology
All children have regular access to a multimedia computer and other technological equipment. In Information and Communication Technology, they are taught to use hardware and software confidently and purposefully to communicate and handle information and to support their problem solving.
Physical Education
Physical Education makes a unique contribution to a child’s education as it is the only area of the curriculum concerned with the development of gross motor skills and learning through movement. At The Children’s Academy, we encourage children to experience a variety of physical activities (including games, swimming, gymnastics and dance) that will enable them to recognise and value the benefits of participation while at school and throughout life.
Personal and Social Education
Personal and Social Education has a fundamental part to play in promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of children. At The Children’s Academy, the teaching of Personal and Social Education aims to help children develop an awareness of self and sensitivity towards others; to develop habits of self-discipline and acceptable behaviour and to acquire a set of moral values and the confidence to make and hold moral judgements.
Music forms an integral part of the Key Stages curriculum at The Children’s Academy. Our aim is to encourage involvement, creativity and the development of individual musical ability. Music is taught by specialist teachers and opportunities are provided for the acquisition of listening, singing, instrumental and simple composition skills as children progress through school.
The Children’s Academy Curriculum 2020
At The Children’s Academy we offer a balanced, creative and challenging curriculum based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and the British National Curriculum for Key Stages One to Four. These frameworks set out what pupils should be taught and it is for schools to modify and organise their curriculum to cater for the specific individual needs of their cohort as well as the local needs of that community.
The National Curriculum framework aims to develop children’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. At The Children’s Academy each child is taught at his or her own individual level, using methods suited to his or her ability. To develop confident readers, we employ the phonics approach. The Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc. (RWI) Programme, is a comprehensive phonics based programme which can be used across Key Stages One, Two and Three. This programme has been adapted and refined by the staff at The Children’s Academy to suit the specific learning styles of our pupils.
In Mathematics a balance is created between activities that develop knowledge, skills and understanding and those that develop the ability to tackle practical problems. Teachers aim to develop pupils’ numeracy and mathematical reasoning in all subjects so that they understand and appreciate the importance of mathematics.
In the early learning phase, key resources used in teaching the fundamentals of this subject include: Numicon, a multi-sensory programme and Dynamo Maths, an award winning intervention programme for Dyscalculia. Guidance for the early teaching of this core subject is taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
Throughout the Key Stage One and Two learning phase, the school uses the Pr1me Maths programme, alongside Numicon, Dynamo Maths and Mathletics. To progress the pupils systematically through the National Curriculum, pupils are grouped according to strengths and needs. This grouping allows for personalised learning and the development of both arithmetic fluency and mathematical reasoning.
At Key Stage Three, pupils continue to consolidate their mathematical knowledge though an emphasis on life-skills maths in preparation for the post 14 programme and Key Stage Four.
The balance of the curriculum forms the Creative Curriculum and is made up of a variety of programmes to enrich the learning of our pupils.
THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMARY CURRICULUM (IPC), a thematic cross-curricula teaching structure, is used in international schools in over 90 countries around the world. It has specific learning goals for every subject, as well as for personal learning and international mindedness. Pupils accessing the Foundation and Key Stage One make use of this programme to cover key skills prescribed in the National Curriculum. Pupils at Key Stage two continue to make use of this programme and in so doing cover key subjects such as: science, geography, history, art and ICT.
SCIENCE is taught in thematic units as a separate subject. Again, guidance is taken from the British National Curriculum objectives for Key Stages One to Three.
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION (PSHE) has a fundamental part to play in promoting spiritual, moral, cultural and social development. This is a planned programme of learning which enables pupils to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE empowers children to become healthy and independent learners.
MUSIC forms an integral part of the Key Stages curriculum at The Children’s Academy. Our aim is to encourage involvement, creativity and the development of individual music ability. Opportunities are provided for the acquisition of listening, singing, instruments and simple composition skills.
AFTERNOON CROSS CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (ACCA) teaches pupils a wide variety of life and vocational skill-based activities such as scouting skills, social skills, and cooking, sewing, sport and leisure activities.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE) provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. The school embraces opportunities for pupils to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. A programme is provided which develops fundamental movement skills, flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Pupils play competitive games, modified where appropriate. Our programme includes athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, tennis, Tball, rounders and handball. The school also provides swimming instruction to teach pupils water safety and to swim competently.
Post 14 Academic Route
At The Children’s Academy we offer a balanced, creative and challenging curriculum based on the framework requirements of the British National Curriculum. Our 14 plus cohort are enrolled on a comprehensive suite of internationally recognised programmes which provide them with the best possible opportunities for successful independent living, progression to college or into the world of work.
Students with special needs may need to be taught these courses over a longer time frame than students in mainstream. They will also require specific access arrangements in place to enable fair and equal access to examination materials and conditions.
IGCSE – Edexcel and Cambridge Examination Boards.
Students who are able to access the Key Stage Four curriculum are offered the opportunity to study towards IGCSE’s in the core subjects: English, Mathematics, ICT, Science and Business Studies.
These are taught alongside NCFE functional skills and BTEC.
NCFE is a British based provider and awarding body offering a recognised qualifications and awards which includes small step certification in functional skills as a stepping stones to GCSE.
- Entry Level One in English, Mathematics and ICT
- Entry Level Two in English, Mathematics and ICT
- Entry Level Three in English, Mathematics and ICT
- Level One in English, Mathematics and ICT
- Level Two in English, Mathematics and ICT
BTEC stands for Business and Technology Education Council and are internationally certified courses awarded by Edexcel Examination Board. We offer the following BTEC Vocational courses.
- Entry Level One in Personal Progress
- Entry Level Two in Personal and Social Development
- Entry Level Two in Skills for Independence and Work
- Entry Level Three in Vocational Studies
- Entry Level One in Vocational Studies
- Entry Level One in Applied Science
- Work Experience Programme for post 14 students.
ASDAN is the name of an awarding body, which offers qualifications based around the development of personal, social and employability skills from pre-Entry level to Level 3.
Specific ASDAN programmes are selected for pupils aged 12 and above.