The Children’s Academy Bahrain is an independent school for children with mild to moderate learning difficulties who possess the cognitive skills to benefit from an academic programme based on the British National Curriculum.
The Children’s Academy caters for pupils between the ages of 4 and 16 years and beyond who struggle to achieve expected levels of attainment at school, and for whom differentiation or special pupil grouping in mainstream settings is not enough. Some pupils have specific learning needs associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia. Some have speech and language delay or low levels of concentration and self-esteem.
The Children’s Academy provides an individualised education within a nurturing learning environment offering high levels of academic and therapeutic support; the school employs a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist and two speech therapists who are timetabled to work alongside children in the classroom. At the heart of the school’s ethos is the belief that the development of a positive self-image is the key to the development of a child’s full potential. To this end, the school is committed to providing an educational environment in which all children can experience success.
Whether your child is experiencing a temporary difficulty or has more complex needs that will affect him or her for life, The Children’s Academy will try to help.